As I launch back into work today, I will take a moment to say just how immediately grateful I am to work at an organization where we do not work between Christmas and New Years. I have spent the last 9 days with family, friends, and a little time for myself. I am launching into the new year with a very elaborate Excel spreadsheet for my finances that I am embarrassingly excited about, seeing as there are likely several apps that could put the data together for me. I am extremely excited for some of the domestic traveling I will get to do this year for both business and leisure, and am carefully plotting my vacation days so that 2021 might see some international travel to new places.

For this blog, I will continue to write, posting consistently on Thursday mornings. In the last month I have listened and read a couple of books focused on the bridge between high school and college that I am excited to write about. Naturally, these reads have provided me with ideas on what else I can read to inform my thoughts on the education-to-career pipeline (Anyone have feedback on Pedigree: How Elite Students Get Elite Jobs by Lauren A. Rivera?).

Last year was a particularly strenuous year for higher ed, especially in the Admissions game. Let’s see how the rest plays out in this next decade.